It was Prof. Kasturi who collated all the articles that Baba had written for the ‘Sanathana Sarathi’, the Ashram Periodical, and brought out in a book form as the “Vahini Series” as Baba used to title all His articles as Vahinis. Vahini meaning flow or stream.

There are 15 vahinis in all, written in Telugu by Baba and translated into English by Prof. Kasturi. The Vahinis like ‘Prema Vahini’ and ‘Dhyana Vahini’ are little gems, classics of the spiritual life from the moment that Baba wrote them. Their simplicity, which, at the same time, contains such a depth of meaning, is unique. They speak of Peace, Meditation, Love and Wisdom. They seek to acquaint the reader with the Upanishads and the Gita. In a class by itself stands ‘Sandeha Nivarini’, the Doubt Dispeller. It raises various metaphysical problems and answers them.


Prema Vahini – The Stream of Divine Love

Dhyana Vahini – The Practice of Meditation

Dharma Vahini – The Path of Virtue and Morality

Jnana Vahini – The Stream of Eternal Wisdom

Gita Vahini – The Divine Gospel

Prashanthi Vahini – The Supreme Bliss of the Divine

Sathya Sai Vahini – Spiritual Message of Sri Sathya Sai

Prasnothara Vahini (Answers to Spiritual questions)

Sandeha Nivarini (Clearance of Spiritual Doubts)

Leela Kaivalya Vahini (The Cosmic Play of God)

Sutra Vahini (Analytical Aphorism on Supreme Reality)

Vidya Vahini (Flow of Spiritual Education)

Upanishad Vahini (Essence of Vedic Knowledge)

Bhagavatha Vahini (The Story of the Glory of the Lord)

Ramakatha Rasa Vahini – The Sweet Story of Rama’s Glory Part 1

Ramakatha Rasa Vahini – The Sweet Story of Rama’s Glory Part 2

© Sri Sathya Sai Media Centre | Sri Sathya Sai Sadhana Trust – Publications Division
