What should be the attitude we must cultivate today to ensure that the entire year is sanctified? Sri Sathya Sai lovingly inspires us today.
All the accomplishments and acquisitions in this world are transient and impermanent; lured by them, men get inflated and ultimately court ruin. Hence, giving up the notions of one’s own doership, man must regard God alone as the doer. He is the giver, He is the recipient and He is also the object that is given. Time is the very form of God. Birth and death are encompassed by Time. Everyone, therefore, should regard Time as Divine and utilise it for performing sacred actions. You should not waste a single moment. Time wasted is life wasted. The fruits of your actions are determined by Time. All your experiences are the results of your actions, whether it is happiness or sorrow, affluence or poverty. Hence, good and bad depend on what you do. As are your actions, so are the fruits thereof. The way you utilise your time determines the outcome. Hence, this new year, which is a form of the Divine, should be put to right use.
– Sri Sathya Sai, Discourse, Jan 01, 1991.
Fill your time with good actions. There is no greater sadhana than this. – BABA