To realise the state of divine consciousness, devotion is essential. Devotion aims at awakening consciousness of the Easwara (Divine) in man. All activity aimed at turning the mind towards God is a form of devotion. To think of God for attaining worldly desires and physical comforts is not devotion. To envisage and experience the Divine Sat-Chit-Ananda within him is the true mark of devotion. Because from ancient times man went after external material objects, he forgot the Eternal Divine Reality within him. Imprisoned within his qualities, man forgets the Divine. The one who is immersed in spirituality is indifferent to the Prakriti (phenomenal world). Spiritual transformation calls for changing the mind from a prisoner of the three gunas (qualities) to one that is bound to God. You have to acquire the firm conviction that the Divine is the basis and sustainer of the Universe. Goodness is a synonym for God. The power of the cosmic consciousness consists in making the good qualities manifest in a man. – Divine Discourse Feb 12, 1991.

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Sai Inspires Dec 7, 2024